As being vegan, I try to incorporate more protein into my diet because we don't get protein from meat or poultry. Tofu is a great source of protein and it takes good especially with different sauces and marinades! Tofu contains all nine essential amino acids, sources of iron, calcium, and magnesium which is important for everyone. With that being said, this recipe is a amazing for protein! As well as it contains your carbs and proteins!

Firm Tofu
Vegetable broth
Gluten free terriyaki sauce (I use Soy Vay brand)
Nutritional yeast seasoning
Borsari (Original blend seasoning)
Bee pollen
Prep time: 1/2 hour
Cooking time: 45 minutes
Rice: To me, I like to make my simpler by using a rice cooker. You put your rice in the rice cooker and push the start button, and voila, when the buzzer sounds, it is done! That simple! If you do not have a rice cooker, follow the instructions on the packet. For this particular dish, I used Jasmine rice and instead of using water, I used pistachio milk which gave the rice a creamier consistency.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Use a bake pan and place a piece of parchment paper on it for the tofu. Firm tofu is the easiest to work with due to the fact that it has the least amount of water. Cut the tofu into cubes and place on paper towels or a lint free towel. Cover with a layer of paper towels or another lint free towel. Place pots on top of paper towels to push water (from the tofu) into the paper towels. Leave for 25 minutes. After you have drained the tofu on the paper towels, place the tofu cubes into a bowl that has terryaki sauce and cornstarch mixed together. Once you have lightly covered the tofu with the mixture, place the tofu onto the parchment paper spreading apart the tofu.
Sauteed vegetables:
Heat pan with a tablespoon of olive oil. Dice garlic and shallot. Once the oil heats up and starts to sizzle, put the garlic and shallot into the pan. Let cook for about 3 minutes, mixing occasionally.
Once they have cooked for 3 minutes put remaining vegetables into pan again mixing occasionally for about 8-10 minutes until vegetables become slightly cooked. Add in 1 1/2 cups of vegetable brother and simmer for 10 minutes or until vegetables are soft. Before taking vegetables out of the pan, mix in 1/4 cup of terriyaki sauce.
Plate and add Bee pollen to garnish...enjoy!